BTW - the girl in the ads, Sara, is not a hired model. She works at our shop, and yes, she really does play the guitar.
Hey everybody! Long time between posts, I know. Well, now you can see why. That “secret pedal project” I’ve been alluding to in previous posts is no longer a secret. Black Cat Pedals are BACK!!
Click the pic for info on the pedals!
It’s taken an insane amount of work to get this done, along with non-stop trials and tribulations, but here we are. Greg has been hard at work over the last few weeks building up a nice little stock. We have taken several early orders from people who were “in the loop” but there are still a good number of pedals left with serial numbers under #50. I suspect Analog Mike will be grabbing those up pretty soon though.
To answer some questions we’ve already received – yes, we will be re-releasing the entire original line. The Ring Mod and Black Cat Vibe are next. Yes, we will have sound clips and videos available as soon as we can. There’s still soooooo much work to be done, so let me get back to it. And I promise more frequent posts from now on.
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The past couple of weeks have been super productive! I'm really pleased to have finally gotten to complete some longstanding repairs that somehow got started and never finished. Lest I misrepresent myself, I should explain that I haven't suddenly transformed into this super high-achieving technical wizard. All credit rightfully goes to our new fulltime tech, Greg Radawich.
I hired Greg a few weeks ago to work on our secret pedal project, which we'll be introducing in the next month or so (at which point it will no longer be a secret). Greg has been building pedals on his own for the past five years and recently moved back to this area, so it was a great match! We had a little downtime while waiting for some parts, so I dug out all my unfinished projects and repairs for Greg to work on. He whipped through them with ease and got them all working. It worked out so well, we've even started doing repairs for a few other people as well.
As things progressed, we started discussing the idea of launching an official FMO Custom Shop for one-off builds, mods, repairs, rehousing pedals, etc. As soon as I get a chance, I'll be adding a page to the Gear Shop that has a comprehensive list of services we'll be offering. Stay tuned for more...
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but whatever... I decided to take some time to take care of some personal matters that have been bothering me. I don't mean "issues" or anything like that. I mean getting my house in order (again, in the literal as opposed to figurative sense).
Here's what I mean - I ran this business out of my house for 4 years, right up until we moved into our awesome new shop last November. Now the whole entire time since the move I've had this huge mental adjustment of (re)learning how to actually live and work in two different places. For the first few months, I basically lived in the shop. I'd be here for like 12 to 14 hours a day and just go home to sleep. Now most, but not all, of those hours were actually spent working, but there was definitely an overlap of business and (ahem) personal activities going on at the shop. So it was like I just moved my entire lifestyle from one place to another. Hmm...
Meanwhile, my house still looked like someone had just moved out, even several months later. Over the past few years it had acquired a definite music store vibe. So when I finally moved all those music store elements into an actual shop, my house ended up looking kind of barren, even desolate... definitely not very home-like. So yeah, it's taken me this long to realize I have the opportunity to make my house into a home; reclaim actual living space that had previously been overrun with gear and inventory. So that's what I've been trying to do... well, for the last week or so, anyway. Oh, and I force myself NOT to come into the shop on Sundays. It's weird, I'm still not used to it. Trying to learn balance... that's all for now.
Hey, if you're into fuzz pedals and those special parts that make them so special, then you definitely need to check this out -
My friend Dave is a Gear Junkie. It started off innocently enough. I sold him a Silverface Vibro Champ and a couple of pedals, thinking he would just use them recreationally. But then things got out of hand as Dave started buying more and more gear. No matter how much he got, there was always one more piece he had to get to complete his collection. He kept getting more and more and more gear, hiding guitar pedals in the closet, guitars under the bed, amps in the attic. He began spending his entire paycheck on music gear. Finally, his wife just had enough and kicked him out. Now Dave is homeless and destitute. But he will work for gear! Just enough to keep his habit going. And you know what? Dave's never been happier, just look at him!
You know, most of our customers are great to deal with, which helps make this a great job. Of course, once in a while you get someone who's rude, obnoxious, or unreasonable. Fortunately for us, it seems like for every one of those, we get another really spectacular customer who makes it all worthwhile. Like this...
I recently got an email from Jimmy "Flyin'" Ryan saying, "I just got a copy of Analog Man's Guide To Vintage Effects... I was like an adolescent with a stack of Playboys." He then followed it up with one of the best, most encouraging phone calls I've ever gotten from a customer; saying, among other things, how great the book is and how he really appreciates the effort it must have taken... and THEN he followed that up with an excellent vintage purchase. Now get this - a few days later, I received a couple of CDs in the mail by the Flyin' Ryan Brothers. Thanks, Jim - you rock!
I was very excited to get this - State of the Art Electronic Devices by the Electro-Harmonix Work Band. Woo-Hoo! Now I just need to find a working turntable...
I caught myself feeling pretty down lately. Sometimes it seems like there's nothing but bad news. I can't even check my email without being bombarded with headlines about it (thanks Yahoo!). I know I'm not alone in feeling like this. It's hard not to get discouraged. So I just had a little talk with myself that I'd like to share with you, if you're interested. It went a little something like this:
Don't be discouraged, Tom. If for no other reason than the fact that it doesn't help. Being discouraged doesn't resolve or improve anything. In fact, it actually makes the situation worse. It clouds clear thinking and good judgment, it impedes action, it robs you of your energy and enthusiasm, and interferes with your ability to find solutions.
I know it's very easy to say "don't worry, don't get discouraged," but feeling it and believing it is a totally different story, especially in the face of bad news and negativity. Just realize that giving in to those negative thoughts and feelings does NOT help make things any better, and that it's actually making things worse.
One thing that may help is to try thinking of all the things that are going right. Even better, why don't you make a list. Let's try it: 1) I have an awesome business where I get to do stuff that I enjoy, 2) Lydia is getting better at her job, 3) we got the Baldwin Harpsichord working, 4) Mike T has been a HUGE help with getting the keyboard studio up and running, 5) oh yeah, Hugo arranged a whopping huge line of credit to help us launch our new pedal project. 6) And after a cold, hard winter marked by gloomy economic forecasting, Spring is finally here...
There, that's better. Feel free to leave a comment with your own good news. The more, the merrier (literally!).
FINALLY! Yes, we've finally updated our Wah-Wah Footwear Fashion Photo Gallery with new submissions that have been sent over the last couple of years. There's even a new Ladies wah-wah footwear section! And now that we have some in-house web design support, we should be able to keep it updated on a regular basis. So keep those Wah-Wah Footwear Fashion submissions coming, and we'll keep posting them. And in case you've never seen it, don't forget to check out the Wah-Wah Footwear Fashion Show sensation that started it all.