We've had numerous requests for new pictures of the FMO Gear Shop now that it's finished. So we had a little impromptu photo shoot last night, and here's the result.
Aerial View
Overhead Door, starring Harvey the Ladder 
The Office, where I sometimes actually get stuff done...
The Shipping and Receiving area, which doubles as a bar when the area in front becomes the dance floor... 
The Lavatory is Lovely...
Aerial View of the Work Bench, where Cats build Pedals... 
Makes ya wanna work here, don't it? 
One of many surprises we have in store - our Vintage Keyboard project studio! 
Lots o' gear in here...
2 hours free studio time to the first person who can name every keyboard pictured...
Storage and Inventory room...

And finally, my personal favorite - the Zebra Lounge!
You should see it with the purple rope lights on. They need a little tweaking, but it looks AWESOME when they're all working.