... like RIGHT NOW! The two main things we have going on here at FMO are the big move to our new location and getting our new shopping cart up and running. Each of those things have been demanding my full-time attention, on top of what I usually have going, and I've been running around like a nut 24/7 trying to get everything ready. It's all very exciting, but incredibly hectic as well. So if anyone feels I may have been a little neglectful lately, please feel free to be a squeaky wheel and let me know.
The shopping cart has a go live date of (dare I say it) this Saturday, November 8th, but a LOT needs to happen before then. And we're scheduled to start moving into our new location like... TODAY! Seriously, the movers will be coming by with the big rig later today.
Speaking of the new location, it looks fantastic! All the construction was completed a couple of weeks ago; then there was painting, electrical, plumbing, flooring; now we're just doing some finish work and a few final tweaks and then moving in. I'll bring the camera so I can get some pics to show you all what the finished space looks like. In the meantime, check out these shots I got while it was still under construction...
Looking in from the open overhead door 
The Studio
The Work Area